Tioga County
Woodland Owners Association
Our group is made of people who love forests.
Some of us are landowners, others are not. Some own sawmills, build cabinets or cut & skid lumber. Still others tap
sugar maples or raise honeybees. Some of us are hunters, some are farmers, and some are artists or photographers.
Some just enjoy the trails blazed on PA state forest land or the wildlife activity out their front window.
Our membership age ranges from 1 year old to those in their 80s and hails from all corners of PA.
Our group is nonpartisan, and has members from all political parties. For us, conservation is a way of life.
Our group is about forest stewardship, and the practices we can implement to support our woods to be healthy and
beautiful on a sustainable level.
The Tioga County Woodland Owners Association works to educate its members and the general public about the
methods and benefits of sound forest management. Our educational efforts reflect a wide variety of efforts, including
timber harvesting and stand improvement, enhancement of wildlife and pollinator habitat, crop tree planting, game
animal food and cover management, soil conservation, waters protection, and agroforestry. We recognize the
importance of forests to Tioga County’s economic and environmental well-being.
& past events
Our activities our varied and wide-reaching. Here you can see events we’ve hosted and participated in as well as the tentative scheduled activities for the current year.
If there is a topic you are particularly interested in and don’t see it covered, please reach out to us at
TiogaCoWOA@gmail.com. We’d love to hear from you.

Photos of our members and the community participating in some hands-on activities. Some recur annually and others are special events.