Eagle Watch with Matt West
It was mild weather for an eagle watch at the Connecting Channel in Tioga! The Tioga County Woodland Owners Associatin, in conjunction with Step Outdoors Tioga County and the USACE, hosted and eagle watch with resident expert, Matt West.
There were 14 eagles spotted, and we shared a few laughs and some cocoa while getting an education in eagle biology. We had 33 participants
If you’re not a member, but are interested in events like this, please reach out to be put on our mailing list!
Potter-Tioga Maple Syrup Tour
Each year for the Potter-Tioga Maple Tour Weekend, our group meets over breakfast and travels tandem to several local producers.
This year's we met at Rosie’s in Tioga (formerly MeMaw’s) for breakfast, a very short business meeting and then caravan to this year’s destinations.
Our plan was as follows:
- Leave Rosie's at 9:30ish for the first producer - Butler's on the Elkhorn (Wood-Fired & Reverse Osmosis)
- Next we arrived at DDD/ Davis Farms in Farmington (Reverse Osmosis and Hot Dogs)
- Finally we ended the tour at Hills Creek (All wood-fired)
Willow Planting
Members met at Joe's house and learned to re-plant in slow-draining and other wet areas through the use of live-staking and wattles. Led by Steve Hoover, our adviser from the DCNR.
May Gathering & Walk in the Woods
Members and friends gathered at Anne's house for a chicken BBQ and plant/nature walk led by botanists Chris Firestone of the DCNR and Chris Sacchi, PhD of Kutztown University. We also welcomed the Alexanders' second daughter, Anabel, born 2 weeks prior. The club planted a pear tree to commemorate the event.
DCNR Tour to the USGS Fish Lab and Hesselgessel Mil
Club members joined DCNR biologists on a tour of the historic Hesselgessel millstone quarry site in Asaph, where exposed conglomerate and one authentic millstone still stand for the curious to visit. Next was the USGS Aquatic Research Lab facility at the bottom of the mountain. There we saw the lab's operations, including tanks full of eels being raised for re-introduction into streams for research and to restore both eel and freshwater mussel populations.